Our Objectives

The purpose of establishing the Children Islamic Organisation (CIO) is to equip children with a conducive environment in which they can dream high and seek the means to realize those dreams, to provide them with the best of resources for their training and development, to prepare their homes and society for the same, and to show them the ladder that would lead them to their zeniths, and also to motivate them in their strides. Our programs focus on each child’s development in social-emotional growth.

  • Fostering creed (belief/aqeeda)among children.
  • Instilling deep love and reverence for Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  • Internalizing moral values within the children
  • Creating awareness about living a collective life to establish Deen in personal and collective life.
  • Aiding in improving academic standards.
  • Identifying and cultivating talents and skills among children.